A critique of, and response to what has been established without critical foresight.

Mar 4, 2007


Sunny and short sleves, no chapping today. Daniel, Sandy, Sofia, myself and Scott's tools were on site this afternoon and considerable progress was made. The roof of the west section is completely removed and much of the ceiling knocked down. Daniel and I were able to remove two large sections of the west parapet wall and the remaining section is not far from being freed. Some progress was also made on the north wing wall, many welds have been cut though a few difficult to locate welds still remain.
Tomorrow I should have a much better feel for the developers demolishion plans and we can move foward accordingly. A couple of people have volunteered to leave studio early Friday with the thought of working through the afternoon and early evening with pot luck dinner to follow at my house. For those able we will reconvene Saturday morning and see how far we can get. Scott has several ideas for lowering the roof top heat pump and Daniel and I have put some thought into how we will remove the roof and structure below. After four o'clock Friday afternoon we can get a generator and only be charged forty dollars for the weekend. I will cover the generator for this weekend but next weekend perhaps the cost can split up among the group.
We also have a number of new photos which will post tomorrow.

We should be very proud of ourselves for an excellent weekend.

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