A critique of, and response to what has been established without critical foresight.

Mar 15, 2007

Friday Night (The Boot)

This Friday, anybody who is interested should join fellow stigmatians, and others, for a night full of debauchery and mayhem in honor of Adam Grove. We will be celebrating his 37th birthday. A boot from Royal Bavaria sounds quite tasty, so we will meet there around 7:30 if that works for everybody. After several boots, and several restroom trips, we will go where the night takes us, hopefully Sugars, only to please Sofia though, I really think that place is disgusting.


adam said...

now accepting nominations for chauffeur

sandy said...

that would be daniel

sofia said...

i second that. Daniel Douthit is the DD.

DanielD said...

Sandy should be the DD, those asians can not hold their liquor any way.

adam said...

Cheers to the Best Birthday Ever