A critique of, and response to what has been established without critical foresight.

May 9, 2007

Summer Skedul

Meeting @ Cafe Plaid, 10:00 a.m. this Monday
Meeting Tuesday, May 22 in Norman with Adam attending through video conference, time to be determined.
27-1, Site prep for building and camping. Many charrettes idea begings to solidify.
1-3 Camping at Grand Lake, visit the pods o' Peacock, finalize design. Detail concrete slab, stem walls, footings, as appropriate to project.
4 Final site prep, pour concrete late in the day or early Tuesday morning.
From the fifth on we work diligently toward a physical solution.


............................... said...

Adam told me he wanted to do a combo trip, with his summer design/build studio the same dates you proposed. He also wanted Harm to come, under the discretion of the forseen recreational smoke. I think that their precense could offer a lot of insight, and the mix of work between the projects could help fuel ideas; although the distractions might prove to be more than worth.

Do you guys think this would be a good idea, or do we want to do a seperate trip at the same time.

adam said...

do it

katieklos said...

I agree, I think both adam and harm should be there